Heeeere's Pat!

About a month ago, after the biggest snowfall of the season, while David and I were out walking - I had a profound revelation.  I have never actually built a snowman (or snow-person, I should say).  I got very excited about the possibility, only to have my hopes dashed, as David announced that this was not the “right kind of snow”.  Apparently it was too powdery and would not hold a ball shape. Who knew that was even a “thing?”  Seriously????  I was flabbergasted.  

Well, yesterday morning, we had another little snowfall, for several hours and.... drum roll here.... it was the “right” kind of snow. 
Yea!!! I rushed to the kitchen for snow-person supplies, to discover we were fresh out of carrots and coal. Fortunately, we had radishes, a large banana pepper and some coins.  So, we bundled up and headed to the small park right next door to our house because I was told we needed enough space to roll the balls. Whatever that meant... Silly me...I thought we could build it on our front lawn and it just required mushing a bunch of snow together. 

David was instrumental in helping instruct me in the correct system

for building said snow-person, his tormented years in Massachusetts, 
finally paying off big time.

I had so much fun!  We were the only people in the park so it was totally safe and it was a welcome relief from being inside.  Here are some pictures of the making of the short-lived existence of Pat, my very first snow-person! 

I am truly grateful that getting outside is acceptable social distancing.  On Monday, David and I went to another new spot that I had heard about but never been to.  Summit Circle and Overlook is only a 10 minute drive down the road and offers another spectacular view of the city and the St. Lawrence River.... without the hike up Mount Royal. 
There were also many walking trails in a nice wooded area.  I will definitely include this on my “place to take visitors” list, whenever this craziness passes.  It should be really beautiful in the fall too.

I am missing going to the YMCA, my mahjong game, as well as all the other activities I had planned but am glad to have the ability to connect via Zoom for my book club and Temple programs,  as well as using the old fashioned telephone for keeping in touch! 

Looking forward to a walk outside again today. The sun is peeking out and the temps are supposed to get to +1.  Anything at or above freezing feels warm-ish these days. 

Virtual hugs to everyone. Please stay safe out there!


  1. YEAP different kinds of snow.. Inuit actually have different names for snow on ground, snowdrift, wistling snow etc.. You need the right moisture in the snowflakes to make a * bonhomme de neige* add on your future list the Quebec winter festivalk in february for next year, particularly the evening parade.

    1. Interesting! Still so much to learn, so much to do!


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