I'm kicking my ass... do you mind?

I'm kicking my @$$... do you mind?  That is my theme for this post (actually that likely my theme for the next six months or more).  Anyone recognize what movie that quote comes from? Read through my post (or skip to the end) to find out.   

So…. I do not necessarily like to keep bringing up the tragic passing of our tenants at our home at Lake Travis, but that event truly set in motion a series of major changes in my life.  The first was the decision to sell that house. While Dave and I were sifting through all the paperwork in preparation to sell, we stumbled across all the pictures of the time we spent building it. When we did our final video walk-thru, we reminisced about all the cool features that made it so unique to us.  After we sold it, we made the next big decision, which was to look for a new place here in Montreal, preferably something with a basement area big enough for a full bathroom for guests. We found many places that were newly renovated and move-in ready, but we found ourselves saying things like “Well, we would definitely have to change out that backsplash” or “I sure would prefer a different countertop” or “Why would they put in a vanity this size?”.  We know we are not exactly “Spring chickens” anymore, but the more we looked around, the more we felt that maybe, just maybe, we still have enough energy, stamina, and determination to remodel one more house- and be able to have it designed the way we want. 

Big decision number three: We broadened our search to include some fixer-uppers.  And we certainly found a crazy assortment of houses, many in desperate need of lots of tender loving care.  I guess that is not too surprising in a neighbourhood this old.

Well, we settled on a place that met (almost) all my criteria. Decision number four!  It not only has a garage, but it has a driveway for additional off-street parking as well, which is a rarity in this neighborhood. It has a nice sized back yard, a front porch and even a sun room that can be used all year round.  The one drawback is that it is a bit farther from the metro station than I had hoped for. There are several bus options available though and it is only a 5-minute walk to a bigger grocery store than the one I can walk to now.  I can also still walk to the pharmacy, dentist’s office, lots of restos, a library, a sports center and a large park (where they have outdoor yoga and Zumba!).   We really do love this neighbourhood.

What this place does not have is pretty much anything that does not need work! 


The very first task David tackled was to remove the  "drunken sailor" stairs to the basement.  This was actually the term the inspector used to describe them - lol!  Unfortunately, I never got a good "before" picture.  Lesson learned - I need to remember to snap photos before Dave gets his hammer out. 

Here you can see the replacement steps - a real set of stairs (you know... the kind that have even treads, are level and deep enough to place your foot on).  


The next big task, actually a HUGE task, was taking out this section of a brick wall and installing a beam. Temporary walls were constructed on both sides, rebar was used for reinforcement and quite a bit of labor went into making this happen. The result is that now the kitchen has been opened up to the sun room area. 

I have already started designing the layout, which will include a cozy corner with comfortable chairs for sipping my morning coffee while looking at the backyard.

Next step is to begin narrowing down the cabinet, countertop, backsplash and flooring options!  

While David was busy moving bricks around, I donned my old tool belt, which makes me an “official” construction worker.  My current task has been battling to remove the world’s most stubborn popcorn ceiling.  Unlike the reno we did in Austin, Canadian popcorn is so darn hardy that it does not scrape off easily with a little bit of water. Or vinegar or any of the other home remedies that Google suggested.  

We managed to locate a specially formulated popcorn removal product that does loosen it up a bit, but still requires a lot of muscle and tedious attention. I tackle it in small doses, and I can at least get some immediate gratification. I try to focus on the part I have done – not all that is left to do. And yes, in case you are wondering, we did get a sample tested for asbestos before we started scraping away at it (there was none, thankfully!).    

When my hands get tired of combating the ceiling, I switch gears and head to the main bathroom.  When I first saw this bathroom, my instincts said, “Rip every single bit of it out”. Which is kind of odd because I am a person that loves color (I did, after all, paint the outside trim of my house in Austin a bright shade of purple). This room, however, was making me seriously dizzy. The floor tile is pink and light blue and dark blue.  All four walls are covered (half-way up the wall) in pink tile, and the tub is an odd shade of blue that does not match either of the blue hues in the floor.  

After much consideration, and some encouragement from some friends, I have decided to keep the floor tile and "embrace the pink" and go with an overall retro theme in this room. Some gray paint will help tone down the excessive pink walls and that blue tub is DEFINITELY going to be refinished with a nice boring shade of white.  The window trim is cracked and needs to be replaced.  

The cabinet behind the toilet came down and a new cabinet with repurposed doors has been installed. The mirror has a new pretty wood frame and is just waiting for the right shade of stain. The split door jamb and awkward threshold are currently in the process of being replaced. The pink toothbrush holder and soap dish have been removed from the wall - thankfully!  A lovely wooden shelf will take its place.  Obviously, we still have a long way to go. 

We spend most of the day at the new place, sanding, scraping, cleaning, tearing out old and busted parts and making regular trips to Home Depot and Reno Depot to stock up on everything from light fixtures and razor blades to tools, appliances, and various loads of lumber.  I had forgotten that I really do love the smell of freshly cut wood.  I like the smell a lot better than I like cleaning up all the sawdust that is generated. I had somehow managed to totally forget the fact that sanding (anything) is on my list of least favorite tasks.  But I am pretty good at spreading mud on cracks and I can lay a mean bead of caulk! 

At the end of the day, we head back to our current place to pet the cats, take a hot shower, eat dinner and recharge our batteries. My dry and chapped hands get a short reprieve when I slather Corn Huskers lotion all over them. That stuff is magic in a bottle!  

There is one truly bizarre thing that has happened to me since I began this new "job".  I used to be able to unlock my phone using my fingerprint.  Now, this feature has ceased to work - apparently my phone no longer recognizes my fingerprint. Seriously!   I joke that I have somehow permanently altered it – though I am pretty certain that is not really possible. Dave says it is the callouses. He may be right, but it is still a little disconcerting, not to mention  slightly annoying.   

As we leave the new place, dirty and exhausted, Dave and I have been laughing about the line “I’m kicking my @$$ – do you mind?”.   It is a quote from the movie Liar, Liar, with Jim Carey.  He plays a lawyer, who cannot lie for 24 hours, due to a birthday wish made by his son.  In an effort to remove himself from a trial (where telling the truth is hurting his case), he goes to the washroom and proceeds to beat himself up.  Someone walks in and asks him what he is doing... hence the line “I’m kicking my @$$, do you mind?”   This seems to perfectly describe how we feel! 

Stay tuned for future updates on the (hopefully smooth) transformation of our new (still to be named) maison! 





  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Always great to follow your progress!

    1. Thanks for the encouragement - and for letting me bounce ideas off you!

  3. The description of the bathroom reminded me of the house of my youth! You are putting a lot of ergs into the house and it will be fabulous when done.

    1. A few other people have also commented that the bathroom looks like ones they had. Thanks for the feedback!

  4. Replies
    1. :Love the blog & pics! You are both soooo ambitious! See you soon- Love Mom


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