730 days.... and still counting

On February 11, we passed the 2 year anniversary of officially “landing” in Canada.  Two years! It seems so surreal.. it’s really hard to explain. 

Two years!  Where does the time go?  I acknowledge that many of the differences of life in Canada are due to my retiring at the time we moved.  I may have done many of the same things in Austin that I am doing here, but the truth is, I would not have retired if I were still living in Austin.  Some people may think I am too young to retire, and while it’s true that I could be working, retiring has given me a chance to explore life differently and enjoy new experiences.  Shameless plug here… when universal health care is a right afforded to everyone (yes.. even me as an immigrant), gone is the fear of “I can't quit my job because I need the insurance to cover medical bills in case something catastrophic happens".
But I digress… what have I done in year 2? This is a recap of some of the highlights, more detail in some of the individual posts. The year started with a part-time French class, that was very helpful but also a bit overwhelming. Trudging off to class 4 days a week definitely helped the winter go by quickly. The biggest change in year 2 was the transition from renter to property owner. I traded in some of the most amazing views of the city for an awesome deck, a balcony, a slightly bigger place and ...drum roll.... a laundry room! The cats made the adjustment really well. Apparently they can sleep 20 hours a day in pretty much any location.

Year two involved some fun traveling to new destinations, including Niagara Falls, Nebraska for cousin Vanessa's wedding, Ohio to see Julie’s new house,
camping at Thousand Islands (of salad dressing fame), and of course the big Maritime Province Tour of New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia. Year two also included our first US visitors - Danny and Maya, cousin Stephanie, and Emmy and Papa! My Montreal mahj group is going strong with a game every week that has 2 and sometimes 3 tables.
We made our first day trip to the Eastern Townships for amazing tree color changes in the fall. This year's apple picking yielded apple butter for the first time. And this winter I have experienced my first time to shovel the car out of snow banks that are almost as tall as me!  

Speaking of snow… Having lived all of my life in only 2 cities in Texas, I often wondered how, and especially “Why” would anyone live in a place that gets so incredibly cold for so many months out of the year? 

 I’m starting to think I understand part of it.  For one - the snow is really beautiful. Watching it fall is very relaxing.  Seeing how it laces the trees and piles up on ledges is fascinating. Walking through the snow in a wooded area is so quiet and mystical. It is so unique.
For two - dealing with cold is a mindset. Yes, I had to put on Long Johns under my pants, and 2 pairs of gloves when I left the house this morning, but If you live in a cold climate, you just do it. You invest in good quality gear, and you don’t let it stop you from doing things you want to do. 
Up north, we just go from one heated building to another, kind of like down south - only you just go from one air conditioned building to another most of the year. It is really amazing what a body can get used to, although it is human nature to complain, no matter which part of the continent you are living on.   
For three - there are all kinds of activities you can do in the snow.  Instead of spending money to go take a vacation to do winter sports, we have them (mostly for free) at our fingertips all over the city.  Neighborhood parks set up hockey and ice skating rinks. Mount Royal (in the heart of the city) has cross country ski trails, an ice skating rink and snowshoe trails, including gear rentals. 

The fourth thing I’ve discovered is this thing called Seasons. Spring here is so incredibly vibrant, even more so after everything has been blanketed in snow. When the grass starts peeping out, and the flowers (even tulips!) start blooming, the colors are just downright stunning.  I am amazed that plants can even grow after being covered by all that snow. Then there is Summer! Glorious Summer! Summer is the time when Montrealers basically live outdoors. Every weekend (no joke) is a festival of some sort. Every restaurant has outdoor seating. Every balcony and deck has people lounging and eating outside. Barbecue grills on decks fragrant the neighborhood with mouthwatering smells.  If you are lucky enough to own an air conditioner, there may even be a two week period when you need to turn it on! Then there is Autumn. Again… WOW! Watching Mother Nature work her magic, turning the leaves, is a sight to behold. The range of the colors.. red, orange, green and brown, all mixed together - is just… how can I say it? In a word… spectacular.  

So…today I am enjoying the snow.  It may be cold, but the sun is shining and it will warm up again soon.  I know that 10 years down the road (or maybe even sooner), I may feel differently, but for now, I am just embracing this experience and whole new way of life.  I guess you really can teach an old dog some new tricks, eh?

As I begin year three - I'll try to be more consistent with my blog postings. I've been a bit lax recently. Call it writer's block! LOL!

Here was my apple butter project - quite tasty!


  1. Love Everyone one of your blogs. And you do capture quite well the beauty of living in a place that gives us 4 glorious seasons. Although I still think we have like eleven seasons...but I digress


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